For more information about the band, information on joining, contact our Pipe Major, Bethany Bisaillion at [email protected] To book the band for a performance or parade, please contact our Band Manager, Donald MacDonald at [email protected]
Pour plus de renseignements pour l'embauche du groupe, d'un cornemuseur, des leçons ou n'importe quel autre service, veuillez-nous contacter au [email protected]
Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh a' fastaidh ar chòmhlan-ciùil, pìobaire, leasan air a' phìob, no fiosrachadh farsaing agaibh, cuir fios thugainn aig: [email protected]
Tapadh leibh
Pour plus de renseignements pour l'embauche du groupe, d'un cornemuseur, des leçons ou n'importe quel autre service, veuillez-nous contacter au [email protected]
Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh a' fastaidh ar chòmhlan-ciùil, pìobaire, leasan air a' phìob, no fiosrachadh farsaing agaibh, cuir fios thugainn aig: [email protected]
Tapadh leibh
Donating to the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band
Our pipe band is always looking for individuals to support our efforts, helping us to purchase equipment, uniforms, and help pay for our operating expenses. If interested in donating to our wonderful pipe band, please email us at [email protected] for more information. You can send us an email to donate equipment, make a financial contribution, or even sign up to volunteer at an event - we welcome it all!

Our practice is held at St. Barnabus Church, 70 James Street, at the corner of Kent Street, downtown Ottawa.
Full Band practice is held Mondays with chanter and drum pad practice from 7-8, pipes and drums at 8 until 9 pm. Come with your chanter, pad, sticks, pipes, and music - and be ready to play!
We welcome new players through the fall - we have a parade component, and a competitive level band, but everyone performs in shows and parades together. We also do reference checks with previous bands to confirm experience and more.
New pipers are asked to take an admission session for evaluation before starting with the band, and drummers can ask to borrow sticks and a pad from our drumming program to begin with, and we can provide teaching information to help you get started.
For information on lessons or attending practice, please contact Pipe Major Bethany Bisaillion at [email protected]
Full Band practice is held Mondays with chanter and drum pad practice from 7-8, pipes and drums at 8 until 9 pm. Come with your chanter, pad, sticks, pipes, and music - and be ready to play!
We welcome new players through the fall - we have a parade component, and a competitive level band, but everyone performs in shows and parades together. We also do reference checks with previous bands to confirm experience and more.
New pipers are asked to take an admission session for evaluation before starting with the band, and drummers can ask to borrow sticks and a pad from our drumming program to begin with, and we can provide teaching information to help you get started.
For information on lessons or attending practice, please contact Pipe Major Bethany Bisaillion at [email protected]